How does Anatomus improves doctor-patient communication?

The doctor-patient consultation is a critical engagement process because it is a point which determines the diagnosis, treatment, or prognosis for a particular patient. However, because of several factors (60% of us are visual learners, this consultation is predominantly verbal, and may often involve non-familiar language to the patient), the average patient recall of this vital conversation is 14%, and only one-third of patients adhere correctly to their treatment plans.

In 2017 we ran a pilot in Galway Clinic, a 200-bed private hospital in Ireland. This pilot introduced a 3D anatomy software tool as a visual aid and innovative engagement tool for cardiovascular-related healthcare providers to discuss diagnosis, medication and other health issues with patients. Post pilot, we received a lot of qualitiative and quantitative data that suggests that the use of such a technology can increase the likelihood of a patient understanding the diagnosis and potentially be a driver for healthier outcomes due to adherence of their treatment plan.

“The ability for our patients to visualise the doctors’ diagnoses assisted in bringing about an environment of patient understanding, patient empowerment and doctor-patient trust. In many cases, this was the first time a health care provider had taken the time to visually explain their condition to them as well as visually describe the proposed surgery and treatment plan.” Galway Clinic Management.

Mark Campbell, MSc. in Interactive Media

Mark Campbell, MSc. in Interactive Media

Mark Campbell is a researcher, lecturer and practitioner of multimedia design in healthcare. He is currently carrying out doctoral research into the communication that takes place between patients and their doctors and what role multimedia plays. His passion for user-centred design and healthcare education spans two decades. He is the founder of Anatomus and multi award-winning Pocket Anatomy.

About Us

We are a team of healthcare professionals, educators and interaction designers passionate about the intersection of healthcare and visual learning. It is our privilege to bring you meaningful mobile medical education software apps.

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